What Does Plaque on Teeth Look Like?

Dental plaque is a sticky substance that coats the surface of teeth. Plaque on teeth forms when bacteria in the mouth mix with starchy or sugary foods and beverages. Brushing teeth and flossing regularly can help to get rid of plaque (here’s how often you should brush teeth). If it is not removed, plaque can […]
What is a Sealant for Teeth?

Your dentist may have recommended a sealant for teeth. You might be wondering if it is worth the cost and trouble. Find out what are dental sealants and why you should consider getting them. Are sealants for teeth the same as fillings? No, sealants for teeth and dental fillings are not the same thing. Sealants […]
Why Do My Gums Hurt When Brushing Teeth?

You probably know that brushing your teeth twice a day is vital for good oral health. But if your gums hurt when brushing teeth, it can be difficult to stay motivated and brush your teeth regularly. Here’s what could be going on and what you should do if your gums hurt when brushing. Why do […]
Why Do My Teeth Hurt When Biting Down?

If you’ve experienced a sudden, sharp pain when biting down on something, it can be alarming. A common culprit is teeth sensitivity which can make your teeth hurt when biting down. Read on to find out what else might be causing your symptoms and how you can treat them and get relief. Why does my […]
Wisdom Teeth FAQ

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental treatment. Lots of people have questions about what it involves. Today, we’re answering all your wisdom teeth FAQ (frequently asked questions). So, without further ado, let’s dive right in. Wisdom Teeth FAQ I’ve answered some wisdom teeth FAQ in detail in previous posts already. Read these blogs for […]
How to Get Rid of Stains on Teeth?

Stains on teeth come in many colors – white, brown, yellow, and others. But the one thing they have in common is that they all look unsightly. The most common cause of stains on teeth is consuming certain foods and drinks (coffee and red wine are common culprits). Smoking tobacco is another cause of yellow […]
I Have Really Bad Teeth. What Are My Options?

Bad teeth can not only put your health at risk but also make you self-conscious about your smile. Whether you have discolored teeth, cracked or chipped teeth, misshapen teeth, missing teeth, or a gummy smile, there are treatment options available. If you are struggling with really bad teeth, here are some of the cosmetic dentistry […]
Why Do My Teeth Feel Loose?

When children are about 6 years old, their baby teeth (milk teeth) start to become loose and fall out to make way for permanent teeth. But if teeth feel loose in adults, it’s not normal. Here’s what could be going on and what you can do to fix loose teeth. Is it normal for teeth […]
How to Fix Pacifier Teeth?

Pacifiers go by many names – pacies, dummies, binkies – but whatever you may call them, they can be lifesavers for parents with fussy kids. But while a pacifier can soothe a cranky baby, it can also cause dental problems if used excessively or for a long period of time. Please continue reading to find […]
What is the Whitest Shade of Teeth?

If you’ve developed white spots on your teeth or yellow teeth, you may be considering professional teeth whitening. But at the same time, you might be worried about overdoing it and ending up with artificially white teeth that look very obviously cosmetically treated. So, when it comes to your smile, how much is too white? […]