Cracked Teeth? A Dentist Explains

Have you ever broken a tooth? Or seen a crack in your tooth? Or had pain from a cracked tooth? If so, then you’ll understand that teeth do that sometimes. Teeth undergo a lot of force, a lot of action, with chewing, sometimes up to 200-300 pounds per square inch on those very back molars. […]
Charcoal Toothpaste for Teeth Whitening

I’m here today to talk a little bit about charcoal toothpaste because this is something that dentists get asked about fairly frequently. Obviously, a lot of people want to have a nicer smile. They want their teeth to look brighter and whiter. Teeth do have this tendency to absorb color over time. It comes from […]
All-on-4 Dental Implants: Dr. Greg Discusses Costs & Benefits

Are you missing all your teeth? Or dealing with loose dentures? Is it affecting your ability to go out and just enjoy a nice meal with friends? Or do you lack confidence when you smile because you’re afraid your dentures are going to drop or move around? I’ve seen patients that are very concerned about […]
Protect Your Oral Health: A Dentist Gives 10 Tips

I want to talk today about something that seems fairly elementary and simple, and that is 10 good ways to take care of your teeth and protect your oral health. Some of them may be very obvious to you, but there might be a couple of things that you’ve never really thought of before. So, […]
Oral and General Health Links You Need to Know

You may have heard that there’s a link between oral and general health. What goes on in your mouth can affect the rest of your body. Now, there’s a lot of interesting research on this. Some of it is just correlations or links between the two. And then there are other parts of the research […]
Crooked Teeth Go Beyond Your Smile

Do you look in the mirror and see crooked teeth? Does it bother you? If so, there are options to straighten out crooked teeth. However, if you see uneven teeth and you’re happy with your smile, then treatment for crooked teeth is not entirely necessary, at least from a cosmetic standpoint. But what about crooked […]
Mouth Sores: An Overlooked Cause SLS

Today I’m going to talk to you a little bit about mouth sores and a possible cause that you may not be aware of. There are a lot of people that deal with mouth sores, also called canker sores, aphthous ulcers, or aphthous stomatitis. In fact, 1 in 5 people in the general population are […]
Oral Cancer: 5 Facts from Dr. Greg

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about oral cancer. You may have heard about it or known someone that’s dealt with it. Every year, more than 50,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancers and oropharyngeal cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, oral cancer is a fairly deadly form of cancer and claims […]
Gum Disease: 9 Facts from Dr. Greg

You probably have some idea about gum disease. It’s a very common condition that afflicts the tissues surrounding your teeth – your gums and your jaw bone. What many people don’t know is that gum disease (also called periodontal disease) is the leading cause of tooth loss. The bacteria that cause gum disease can cause […]
Teeth Brushing in Kids: Dentist Tips for Parents

It can sometimes be an epic battle for parents to try and get their kids to brush their teeth. Teeth brushing in kids is especially tiresome before bedtime but also before school in the morning. I’ve worked with a lot of parents over the last 27 years. Today, I’m going to share some ideas to […]