How Many Baby Teeth Do You Lose?

A wise person once said “Happiness is a baby’s first toothless smile.” But as you probably know, babies are not really toothless. All babies are born with teeth, they just haven’t erupted or come in yet. Please keep reading to learn more about how many baby teeth are there and how many you lose. How […]
When Do Kids Start Losing Teeth?

Many babies are born with no teeth showing, some with just one tooth showing, usually the lower front tooth. However, some babies have multiple teeth visible at birth. By the time they are 3 years old, most kids have a full set of 20 primary teeth (milk teeth or baby teeth). Then these primary teeth […]
What Are Teeth Made Of?

Most of the time, we take our teeth for granted. We use them to masticate (cut, mix, and grind) food into a bolus (round mass) that can be swallowed easily. Teeth also help us speak by controlling the flow of air in the mouth and helping us form words when the tongue hits against them. […]
Common Questions About COVID and Dental Health Answered

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to delays in dental care for many people. Non-emergency dentistry has been curtailed and people are not sure whether they should go to the dentist or not. But the COVID pandemic has also provided an opportunity to renew interest in oral health. Today, we’re answering some common questions about COVID […]
Laser Dentistry: A Dentist Explains the Benefits

Have you heard about lasers in dentistry? Obviously, lasers have been around for quite a long time. They have also actually been around for a long time in dentistry. You’ve probably seen them in the movies. You might have also heard about lasers in medicine, for different types of surgeries. And yes, you may encounter […]
5 Tips for Children with Autism Visiting the Dentist

Children with autism face communication and behavioral challenges, especially in new and unfamiliar surroundings. But these kids still need dental care. However, dental visits can be particularly difficult for such families. Dentists sometimes treat children with autism. If you are the parent of a child with autism, you want to make sure that a visit […]
Sugar Addiction? Read Tips on Phasing It Out

Sugar addiction is a public health concern of epic proportions. The United States has the ignominy of having the highest average daily sugar consumption per person anywhere in the world. The average American consumes over 125 grams of sugar every day. This is more than 4 times the expert-recommended 30 grams of sugar per day, […]
Alcohol and Oral Health: Why Drinking is Bad for Your Mouth

Many people will have a glass of wine to celebrate a special occasion, a few beers with friends over the weekend, or an occasional whiskey or cocktail. Most people know that alcohol can potentially lead to health problems. There is also increasing awareness in the general public that drinking should be done in moderation (here’s […]
Dry Mouth – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dry mouth (medical term: xerostomia) is a common condition that occurs due to a lack of enough saliva in your mouth. The cause can be something as simple as sleeping with your mouth open to infections like oral thrush (yeast) or chronic health conditions like diabetes. Please keep reading to learn more about what causes […]
Link Between Alzheimer’s and Oral Health

There are all these complex links that keep popping up between conditions in the body and oral health. They are very fascinating. Some of them may just be correlations, but others can have more of a cause and effect type relationship. One that I find very interesting is the research that’s currently being done to […]